08 8345 1622 is a phone number of Hoad Woodcarving Academy at Seaton, SA 5023 Australia.
Business name: Hoad Woodcarving Academy
Location: Seaton, SA 5023 Australia
08 8345 1622 is a landline phone number and it could be in SA Australia.
Do you think this number is a spam number? You can report it at Report 08 8345 1622.
If the number 08 8345 1622 is written where it may be viewed by an international audience then the number is often written as +61 8 8345 1622.
1 comment(s) on 08 8345 1622
BorrisPosted at 2018-01-11 09:01:05
I never answer numbers I don\'t recognise but this one caught me off guard as it had a Western Australian area code being \'08\' followed by a normal looking local number, I could even narrow down pretty closely as to what area of Perth it was coming from knowing Perth numbers very well. Although I must have been suspicious and reacted at the last moment by answering \'Bonjure?\' followed by silence a repeated Bonjure then it disconnected. I hid my number and tried calling back 24 hours later it rang once and disconnected. I tried again right away and it just rang out. That\'s it. Thanks.
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